Head Start A to Z, 2.0

Leadership and Governance

Women discussing on a meeting.Strong leadership and governance are critical to providing quality services in Head Start and Early Head Start programs. Head Start leaders must ensure the governing body/Tribal Council and Policy Council each has a membership that complies with Sec. 642(c)(1)(B) of the Head Start Act. Governing body/Tribal Council and Policy Council members are required to obtain ongoing training and technical assistance (T/TA) so they can fully understand and fulfill their roles and responsibilities. Head Start leaders must also have processes in place to provide timely information to the Policy Council and governing body or Tribal Council.

Grantees who build strong leadership and governance systems and work to establish positive relationships among the three governing entities are better equipped to deliver high-quality Head Start services to children and families. Strong leadership and governance foster an environment that supports innovation and continuous program improvement.

Watch this short video to learn about Head Start leadership and governance principles. Discover how inclusive leadership practices provide the strong direction and guidance needed to build responsive programs.