Spanish E-blasts

Review the requirements for translating e-blasts into Spanish. This information should be used in conjunction with general e-blast standards.

Promotional E-blasts and Newsletters

The Office of Head Start (OHS) must approve the English version before an e-blast is translated. Translations of newsletters, promotional e-blasts, and policy communications are forecast and processed under the existing Smartsheet product ID. A quick translation turnaround after the approval can help to deliver the Spanish e-blast as soon as possible after the English version.

Bilingual Events

An event is considered bilingual when the presenters speak one language and there is simultaneous interpretation and/or live captions in another language.

If a Spanish e-blast is planned, translate the OHS-approved English version onto the Spanish template available through your Smartsheet portal. A quick translation turnaround after the approval can help to deliver the Spanish e-blast as soon as possible after the English version. It is essential to comply with all required timelines to deliver the Spanish e-blast in time for registration.

  • Forecast and processing of bilingual events and corresponding registration e-blasts is done under the same Smartsheet product ID.
  • The ECLKC Upcoming Events calendar will have only one entry for bilingual events, including the event description in both languages. Disclose if there will be interpretation and/or live captions, as well as in which language, in the event description.
  • Spanish registration information may be included in the English e-blast.

Monolingual Spanish Events

An event is considered monolingual when the presenters speak only in Spanish. Although it may be a Spanish version of content presented during a monolingual English event, submit the e-blast request separately in Smartsheet. Submissions must comply with the required timelines. Access downloadable Spanish e-blast templates from your Smartsheet portal when you are ready to get started. 

  • Forecast and processing of monolingual Spanish events and corresponding registration e-blasts is done under a different Smartsheet product ID than their English counterparts.
  • The ECLKC Upcoming Events calendar will have a separate entry for monolingual Spanish events, including the event description in Spanish. Disclose that the presentation is in Spanish in the description.
  • Monolingual Spanish events must have a translated registration page that matches title and event description used for the ECLKC Upcoming Events Calendar. Spanish registration information may be included in the e-blast promoting the monolingual English event.
  • Submit the translated e-blast on the Spanish template after OHS approves the English version, if applicable. Forecast and submission remains separate.